From scratch: Spaghetti and meatballs

Full disclosure: in all the years I’ve been an amateur cook, I’ve never made spaghetti and meatballs. Shocking, I know. Anyone with the most rudimentary kitchen skills should be able to pull this off, right? My culinary arsenal is stocked with various pasta dishes, but was woefully missing this one. That is, until a few days ago.

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From scratch: Copycat Whatchamacallits

With the Cebu series out of the way, I thought I’d break the monotony by sharing a recipe I recently did. Be warned, candy bar lovers: this is so simple, you might find yourself making it more often than necessary.

Continue reading From scratch: Copycat Whatchamacallits

Cebu, Part 7: Mission accomplished (sort of)

When I set out to do this solo Cebu trip, my aim was to actually experience Cebu as a adventure-seeking, water-loving tourist. Did I achieve that goal? For the most part, yeah, which is why despite my unfortunate Kalanggaman experience, I did feel wistful when the trip had to come to an end. Thanks for sticking around for this last of the series.

Continue reading Cebu, Part 7: Mission accomplished (sort of)

Cebu, Part 6: Troubled waters to Kalanggaman Island

So… I don’t really know how to begin this post other than to say sorry about the loooong wait between installments. As 2019 is finally upon us, I’m going to do something different. I’m not going to promise anything to avoid disappointing you. Instead, I’m just going to try harder to be more prompt with my posts. I hope that hasn’t turned you off yet. If it hasn’t, let’s get on with the next part of my little Cebu escapade.

Continue reading Cebu, Part 6: Troubled waters to Kalanggaman Island

Rinse. Repeat.